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Complete Guide For SEO Beginners Course Free Download


SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization it is the backbone of the website publishing its means keep your website is good standing keywords or description so robots can easily read. SEO main reason is used to increase the website traffic by placing the website into higher rank in search engine. Mostly used search engines are :

  1. Google
  2. Bing
  3. Yahoo
  4. Yandex
  5. AOL
If you are feeling confuse about understanding SEO ,so first read the Terms

Title :

Title is name of website that contains short definition of all website glossary. title must be short. If any visitor see the title it must be understand the glossary of the website.

Meta Tags :

Meta tag gives instruction to the search engine and tells which type of information this website provides.however if user search on the enter keywords added in your meta tags then your website will be in the search result.remember that for increasing CPC (Cost Per Click) don’t add high paying Keywords if you don’t contain this types of data.

Content :

Contents has great affect on the search engine if your website contain easy and efficient contents it convince many users to visit the website. Your content must be about the related topic. Because search engine first refers the best website according to the search keywords.

Backlinks :

Backlinks are important category used for the increasing the traffic of website. The large number of websites containing your website links provide you the large number of visitors. Search engine keep the website at top result which contains good and more backlinks. It is to be clear, websites that contain your links must have a good ranking.

Page Rank :

Pank rank tells about the ranking of the website. Website ranking is out of 10 if your website have ranking 10/10 then your will be more preferable than other website. Page ranking depends on the content,meta tags and backlinks.


I think its new word for you don’t confuse its good to be understand and its means Search Engine Result Pages. If you need to better your SERPs than you need to action on all upper techniques.

Course Includes:

- Course Overview
- Introduction to SEO
- How to do keyword research
- How to SEO optimize wordpress
- Wordpress SEO Plugins
- On-Page SEO Techniques
- Links Building
- Create a Link Building Timeline
- Promoting From Social Media
- Creating Quality Content
- Further Increasing Website Traffic
- Links Changing Request Section

Complete Guide For SEO Beginners

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